Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why Do Voice Artists Use ISDN?

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network.

In sound recording (without getting into all the technical stuff) it's a way of connecting two studios together with very little loss of quality. So I could sit in my studio in London and connect with someone in the States who also has an ISDN line. It looks just like a phone line with a fancy box on the end. In the UK, not surprisingly BT is the main supplier.

However, it isn't quite that simple. The sounds going into a microphones in both studios have to be digitized so they can be sent on the ISDN line. This means both studios need a codec

What's a CODEC?

Short for coder-decoder it turns the analogue sound into digital and vice versa. My codec is a Pronto 2 and looks pretty much like an amplifier. I speak into a microphone, which is connected to a small audio mixer to control sound levels. This is connected to the codec, which is connected to the ISDN line. At the other end, the other studio receives the signal into their codec, which is then plugged through to their recording equipment, and they monitor it through headphones or speakers.

There are various other codecs.

Prima springs to mind, and is very popular. A software application called AudioTX has also been developed which means your PC effectively becomes the codec.

So what's the point of ISDN?

Radio stations love it. Instead of having to use the same voices living locally, or those prepared to travel large distances, they can now choose anyone in the world with an ISDN line and the rest of the kit. Voice artists love it because they can stay at home (wherever that is, maybe miles from civilisation) and not even get dressed to go to work!

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

"Embedding Audio Into HTML" Tool - Read This Special Report!

"Embedding Audio Into HTML" Tool is definitely becoming one of the most important online marketing tools. There is no question - you must always be unique on the web. Sounds interesting? read this quick review.

Some background

The secret of this special "Embedding Audio Into HTML" Tool is it's embedded processor - it easily enables you to convert audio and music files to Web-Format. It is very simple and anyone can operate it. In step-1 you select the files that need to be processed, then choose your favorite player-style, and that is it. By the time it completes the job you get a small code that you embed into your HTML page.

This webaudio is a 'streaming file' - it is available in real-time with no download waiting time.

There are so many benefits with this technology simply because it offers so many important advantages; for example: fast tracking your online newsletter or eZine sign-ups or having audio-driven Websites which are currently taking the Internet by storm.


Before you make your first steps while using this technology: be passionate at what your are speaking about - let your listeners feel it in your voice. One other thing: there are a lot of sophisticated solutions on the net', do yourself a favor and start with one of these simple tools - you'll quickly find out that it is sufficient in most cases.

Final words

Thanks to "Embedding Audio Into HTML" Tool we can significantly improve the affectivity and profitability of our online business. Saying just a few words can sometimes be much more effective than trying to express yourself in writing. It is advised to try it so you could truly evaluate how it can improve the performance of your webmarketing efforts.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Back to the Future For Streaming Ad Dollars

When I got my first job in radio in the summer of 1979, I worked for a tiny station that had just 5 full time employees and two part-timers on staff.  We didn't have a lot of advertisers, but we used a simple system to get sponsors for our shows.  This method proved valuable because we had a solid base of advertisers plus an income stream that didn't fluctuate.  What we did was sell program sponsorships.

Here's what sponsorships can do for your internet radio station 30 years later.  Sponsors provide a solid income and are easier to sell than just selling 'spots' on your station.  The problem with AM and FM stations, and the problem you can find with your station is when selling advertising, you frequently run into businesses that want to know how many listeners you have.  Not necessarily how dedicated your listeners are, but how many.  By selling sponsorships, you take something that isn't tangible (air time) and make it tangible.

Here's how: instead of selling air time, selling programs.  That way, when you talk to sponsors you can tell them they can sponsor the weather forecast for "x" amount and that means that when you do your weather forecast, it will start something like this... "This look at the Upper Westside weather is brought to you by John's Widget store, when you need a widget, think John's Widget store on the upper westside..".  John the sponsor is happy because he has been associated with a "program" on your station, and your listeners will also appreciate the fact that John brings them the weather.  You will also find that by tieing in sponsors with important program segments on your internet radio station that your listeners wil listen longer and will not look at sponsors like they do advertisers on regular AM & FM stations.

No matter what you broadcast on your station, you must relate with your listeners so they will continue to listen.  By making advertisers into sponsors, you connect them with your listeners and that means that when your listeners make purchases, they will feel an emotional tie to the business that sponsors their favorite internet radio station.  That means you win with money from advertisers, the advertiser wins by becoming a sponsor, and your listener wins by having a new trusted source to purchase from.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Podcast Marketing

Almost as soon as the original Apple iPod was introduced, people in the marketing profession began to realize the medium's potential to carry brand and product messaging. Today, podcasting is popular method for communicating corporate information that enables businesses to deliver valuable content to listeners. Because the sound of the human voice carries emotion, the medium can deliver content more effectively than text. In fact, some marketing experts believe that podcasting is more powerful than other marketing media such as direct mail advertising. By developing and incorporating a podcast into their marketing programs, companies can, for example, educate listeners about new and upcoming technologies in their industry, inform customers about soon to be released products, and promote new services. Use the following guidelines for developing your podcast.

Plan Your Attack Before you even begin to record a podcast, you need to decide what you want to say, what your target market is, and what your call to action will be. At the end of your podcast you may want to point listeners to a specific web URL that will drive sales and measure how many people heard your podcast. You should also develop a script that tells the person doing the voice over exactly what to say. And due to people's generally short attention span, you should avoid creating a podcast that is longer than 20 to 30 minutes.

Get the Right Tools To create your podcast you will need a PC and a microphone. Many computers already have microphones built in. But you might want to purchase an echo canceling variety to ensure the highest audio quality of your production. Headphones also are a good idea if you want to hear your recordings played back without hearing extra noise from your surroundings.

You'll also need software for recording voice such as one of the basic or preloaded programs that came with your PC's operating system. Or you can purchase a more sophisticated solution that enables you to edit the audio file such as ePodcast Creator or the simple to use and Windows and Mac compatible program Audacity. Audacity is available for free download at audacity.sourceforge.net.

Start Recording Go the file menu of your program and select New. Test your microphone's input level and then just click on the record button and begin. If you're using Audacity, the software saves the recording automatically as an .aup file. However, some programs cannot open this format so you should export your podcast as an .mp3 file after recording.

Upload Your File After you're finished with production, you're ready to upload the .mp3 file to your website or publish it to a blogging service such as Podcasting.com or Apple's iTunes Podcast Directory. If you want to publish on a regular basis, you'll need to create an RSS feed. You can do this with an easy to use program such as FeedForAll.

Publicize Your Podcast To ensure you get a large audience, you should e-mail contacts in your company's database that your program is available. Include some basic details that will attract their attention. And be sure to include a URL where they can download the podcast. You can also maximize your audience by ensuring your podcast is listed with web search engines such as Google and Yahoo and by using RSS search engines, including Google Blog Search, Bloglines, Feedster, and Technorati.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

Audio Streaming - How to Succeed - Part 2

Protocol Issues

Designing a network protocol which supports streaming media can be quite involved.

The following issues are noteworthy: Protocols called Datagram, such as the User Datagram Protocol, send the media stream as a series of small components of data. Although this is simple and efficient, the protocol does not contain any provision to guarantee delivery of the data stream. In fact, the onus is placed on the user to detect any loss or corruption in the data, and to reinstate such data using error correction methods. If some of the data is lost, the media stream may incur what is called a dropout.

The following protocols have been particularly designed to deliver streaming media over networks: Real-time Streaming Protocol, Real-time Transport Protocol, and the Real-time Transport Control Protocol.

Dependable protocols, such as the Transmission Control Protocol, ensure the correct delivery of each bit in the media stream. However, in order to achieve this, they use a system of timeouts and retries, which makes them more complex to implement. The downside is that when the network suffers from is a loss of data, the media stream is put on hold while the protocol handlers detect the loss and retransmit the missing data. By buffering the display data, it is possible to reduce this effect quite noticeably.

When using Unicast protocols, an alternative copy of the data stream is sent from the server to each user. Unicast is most commonly used for most Internet connections. However, it does not perform well when large numbers of users want to view the same program at the same time. When there are many recipients receiving Unicast content streams independently, there tends to be data replication with consequent server/network loads. Even when the streaming content is the same as that provided by the associated streaming server, there will still be a requirement for multiple connections from the Unicast Connections.

However, Multicast protocols were developed in order to minimise this sort of replication. Such protocols send just one stream from the source to a group of recipients. Whether Multicast transmissions are feasible depends on the network infrastructure and type. One possible downside of multicasting is the loss of the ability to utilise video on demand. In the case of continuously streaming radio or television material, the user will be unable to control playback. The use of servers with the ability to cache, digital set top boxes, and buffered media players are all methods which will tend to limit this problem.

The ability to send a single data stream to a number of end users on a computer network is available with IP Multicast. Since routers and firewalls must allow the flow of data destined for multicast groups, this must be considered when deploying IP multicast.

In the case of educational, government, and corporate intranets where the organization that is serving the content has control over the network between server and recipients, then routing protocols such as IGMP and PIM can be used to deliver stream content to multiple LAN segments.

Arranging for pre-recorded streams to be sent between computers forms the basis for Peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols. In this way, the server and its network connections are free from experiencing bottlenecks. There are, however, certain matters that may need to be resolved when using of such an arrangement. These include technical, effectiveness, accuracy of data, and various legal issues.

Audio Streaming - How To Succeed

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   How to Use Audio in Business   

Audio Postcards - Get Your Audience Listening

An audio postcard looks like a regular postcard on your browser, but the message is in audio instead of in print. This will help your product or service stand out from the noise in your prospect's or customer's life. Even better, it doesn't demand much of you at all. Just follow these steps.

How do I get the audio content?

You start with a teleseminar, and then you chop that up into many different parts, just a few minutes each. Find your best points with some easy audio editing, so each part can stand alone as a valuable benefit to your listener.

A cool goal would be to develop 52 of these audio postcards over time, so it could be a weekly mailing to your list. This would make a great opt-in incentive on your site, simply by repurposing something you already have.

What does an audio postcard look like?

An audio postcard is an HTML page that looks like a postcard with a postage stamp in the upper right hand corner. Sometimes it has the face of the person sending it. That could be your face if you're sending it. There's a clickable link in the lower right corner, which is where they click it to hear your message. On the left hand side of that postcard is the message in text.

That's how you repurpose an audio postcard. You take the audio and you chop it up with software like Sound Forge or Audacity. Then you upload it into Audio Generator or Audio Acrobat, it depends what audio postcard technology you have.

You upload it and just like that you have these audio postcards which are a different and creative way to get your message to your list. A lot of people prefer listening to something rather than reading, so try audio postcards and you'll see good results.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   How to Use Audio in Business   

Customize Your Website With Flash Audio

Customizing a website is now a trend for many internet site owners and even online marketers. Pure text web pages are quite archaic and boring to most internet users. Many users these days are easily enticed by web pages that have flash audio and video streaming as well. To cope with competition, many affiliate marketers have started to learn audio streaming. It is a better advantage for them to learn this new way of having a flashier web site. It is easier to learn and apply the principles of installing this feature on your site if you have a guide on how to make flash audio.

Once you've applied your learning about adding a sound to your web page, you'll be able to increase the number of visitors and subscribers of your site. There will always be an easy way to add audio on your web site especially with the current technology. Companies nowadays make sure that they release software that are easy to use. Even if you are not a computer geek, you will easily understand and apply this new technology on your internet site. There are easy to use tools wherein with just a few clicks; you could come up with sound on your site.

Choose a cheap flash audio tool but with superb features that you can make use of. Surely you will get a good tool that is not too expensive. Do some research on what products there are in the market. Reading product reviews will also help you arrive to a conclusion on which one to choose. However, be careful in choosing a product for it may not be compatible with most of your target customers' computer system. Since almost a hundred percent of internet users are equipped with Flash on their computers, it is almost safe to say that using flash audio can be the most appropriate move.

Anyway, this feature must be easily accessible to your target audience. It will be useless to have this installed if majority of internet users won't be able to listen to it. There is a great advantage of audio website as compared to a pure-text web page only. You will be able to capture most viewers' attention if you have a sound to go with the text on your web page. More often, marketers can easily sell new products on their pages even without posting the text content yet. Simply by recording a short clip, in a few minutes you can start selling new products through an audio advertisement or report.

You do not need to spend so much money for a copy writer to write content for your pages. With this media streaming wizard, you can be spared from tedious writing of content on your sales page. Go for easy to use and completely accessible software for your website. Definitely it can bring your online business to a whole new level. Indeed, audio visual advertisements or features had already invaded the internet. If you have not yet used these media for your web site then perhaps you are getting behind your competitors. Start using this new technology and experience its rewards.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Recording Audio For Your Website - Build a Relationship With Your Website Visitors Using Your Voice

Building a relationship with your website visitors is crucial to having a successful online business. If you want to start a relationship right away, one way to do that is to offer an audio greeting welcoming your visitors to your site.

One of my clients asked this question recently:

"What is the best way to record a short audio that can be downloaded for my website? I want people to hear my voice to connect."

You have options. They range from totally free and low-priced options to other options that will allow you and your business to grow offering several bells and whistles that you may want as your website gets more traffic and you become more successful.

1. Totally Free Option:

Get an account at FreeConferenceCall.com. They will give you a number to call and a code to record. Follow me here: You'll want to call in using another phone at the same time or else you'll be stuck listening to some seriously bad looped musak while you record. So call in on your main phone line. Then use your cell phone and mute your cell phone by pressing *6. Then record your greeting using your main phone line. Once your recording is done, you'll have to download it to your computer from the conference call line's website.

2. Low-Priced Option

You can go to the Internet and search for a free downloadable recording tool like Audacity. You will need a microphone that hooks into your computer with a USB cable. I personally use a headset with a microphone, so I can use for Skype voice chats and presenting in webinar rooms also. You have multiple options ranging on prices of microphones as low as $19.99 at local stores like Radio Shack and from online sources as well.

3. Looking to the Future Option

If you plan to work with audio often, you may want to invest in a longer-term solution. Services such as Audio Acrobat can help you record your own voice for your site, but you can also send your satisfied customers there to record testimonials for you. Willie Crawford, successful internet millionaire, suggests this tool for those who truly want to make an impact for a long time to come.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

Increase Your Sales With Audio - 3 Steps to Using Sound For More Sales

Have you ever thought of increasing your sales by adding audio to your website? Studies have proven that adding audio to your website can increase your sales. There have been instances of sales more than doubling just by adding audio to a website. Let's look at three ways you can use audio to make more money online.

Audio Marketing Step #1: Add A Short Bio Of Yourself

Building trust online is very difficult to do these days, but you can help build trust by recording an introduction or small biography of yourself. Allowing people to listen rather than read sets you apart from so many other people and websites. It also reinforces the idea that there is a helpful person behind the website.

Audio Marketing Step #2: Record Live Conferences

People enjoy listening to conference calls online. It just gives them the feeling that they are connected with you. A recording where people are asking you questions and you are answering them is a great way to increase your sales. People want to hear you interact with others because they feel that they are getting more value and attention.

Audio Marketing Step #3: Sell An Audio Series Instead of Written Material

Selling ebooks is still a very profitable business, but many people are beginning to sale audio series instead. An audio series allows you to be more personal with your audience. Audio series also have more perceived value than an ebook. It is even better when you offer an audio series on CD. People love to listen to CDs while they are driving, and drive time is really one of the few remaining times when you have someone's undivided attention.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

"Embed Audio on Flash" Tool - Read This Special Review!

No wonder that "Embed Audio On Flash" Tool gains amazing popularity these days, simply because it provides a unique and effective way for you to deliver messages on your Site. There is no question - when you offer something on the web, don't just use plain text. If you want to take your online-marketing efforts to the next level then just follow this special report.

Quick overview

This advanced "Embed Audio On Flash" Tool converts music/audio files to Web-format. It is quite simple and it doesn't require any special technical skills. In step-1 you select the files that need to be processed, then decide on which player-style you like the most, and that's it. By the time it completes the job you get a small code that needs to be embedded onto your desired webpage.

The following technology creates a 'streaming webaudio' for you - it enables you to start playing the file immediately and without having to wait for a complete download.

Experienced online marketers have already noticed that it offers so many important advantages; for example: adding audio-buttons to your WebPage(s) while providing the visitors with better interaction or creating a 'welcoming' voice with a reassuring tone which encourages your visitors to trust you.


There is one important rule to remember while using this technology: focus on your listeners - talk more about/to them, not about yourself. One more: there are plenty sophisticated solutions on the net', try one of these simple programs - it is more than enough for most users.

Quick summary

Many Website(s) owners already recognized the fact that "Embed Audio On Flash" Tool is a 'must have' for the simple reason that it brings outstanding results. Think for a moment about the effect of delivering your message(s) both to your visitor's eyes and ears. The best advice would be to simply get it in order for you to enjoy the benefits that it offers.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Exclusive Casino Bonus

Now, since everything is like the real casinos the online casinos have lot to offer for the bettors as well. There are different bookmakers who offer fixed-odds gambling via internet. Thanks to this, the gamblers can bet on the results of the games. Bet exchange is a relatively newer concept in this field. Here an individual can bet with another person. However, the house takes a small percentage of the commission.

Online casinos are no doubt extremely popular. Now, there are definitely numerous reasons for that. in fact, such is the impact of the online casinos, that even people who have never played the game, has tried their luck online.

First of all there is the question of variety. A person can play the online blackjack, roulette, craps and every other game that are available in the real casinos. Naturally, the casino lovers can enjoy all the games sitting in front of the computer. In fact, this is one great advantage of the online casino. You don't have to even step out of your house to play the game. Also, the chance of winning the money is greater in the online version since the games are played against the house.

The transfer of the money is more or less transparent here in the online version of the game. Normally, the players upload the money to the website and play and bet with the money. After they win the game, they can cash their rewards. If you are a European, you can use your credit or debit card for this purpose. In that, the payment will be made there.

However, the US citizens do not enjoy this advantage because of the legal problems regarding gambling in the United States. Still, there are companies like Moneybookers that offer accounts through which one can gamble. You are likely to get incentives from the casino sites for using this type of alternative method. Also, you can transact the money through check.

The online gambling is absolutely legal in different countries like the United Kingdom and others. In the United States too, the gambling is not prohibited. However, electronic transmission of the information on sport betting is prohibited here. Again, there are certain state laws that prohibit online gambling. Even if it is not prohibited, the casinos must possess the license and the point is that the states are giving them out.

However, along with the increase of the popularity of the online gambling, the rate of the problem gambling has increased drastically.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

5 Killer Tips For Starting an Online Business Opportunity Using Site Background Music

First you could start to think your online business opportunity as a retail shop and by asking in what kind of a shop people can feel good and want to stay longer? If you think some successful shop you know, you understand quickly that music has a role in the service mix.

1. Music Makes The Visitor To Relax.

It is funny that most of the online business opportunity sites have been planned for a busy surfer, they in a way pull the visitor to move on to the next site, quickly and without any trails. But the good results will be made, when a visitor stays with your online business opportunities for a long period of time, bookmarks it and makes a comeback.

2. Music Has A Big Influence On Your Feelings.

We, who market online business opportunities, know that all decisions are made by feelings. And that the differences between online businesses are very small ones, but you must have that. When you think how to create an online business, the answer can be, with website background music!

3. If Used, Music Must Support Your Online Business Strategy.

When you ponder what are the steps in creating an online business, which can stand out from the crowd, music can have a huge potential but it must be an elementary part of your strategy. With the help of music you can deepen the feeling, which the visitor gets and make the visit to become one, that he will remember for a long period of time.

4. Use Royalty Free Music To Lower The Costs.

When you listen the radio, you will hear copyrighted music and by using that as your sites background music would explode your budget. But you can create an online business using royalty free music, which works excellently in creating the right atmosphere. If you have a video on your online business site, use royalty free music also there.

5. Own Music Is A Great Brand Builder.

Do you remember some songs, which you have heard years back? I am sure you will. You may remember songs from your favorite TV spots, which will recall the brands and the products into your mind.

This is a great example about the power of music in the brand building. It really can be a strong part of the brand building of your online business. Really big and successful brands use music to catch the feelings of the target group.

It is simple to find royalty free music from the Internet. You just type that search term into Google and you will get lots of potential suppliers to choose from.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

The Audio Book Is Actually Like Reading By Ear

Audio books by all means are not a brand new invention. Even so, they are getting much less difficult to obtain all of the time. When they very first came out, they had been only produced in the type of cassette tapes, but now given that technologies has advanced so quickly, they have turn out to be available on CD's, MP3, and also you are able to download them absolutely free from particular websites. Typically, these books are sold in a CD form, or may well be rented or even downloaded. Libraries will also have them readily available to take a look at just as you would do any book.

Originally, audio books had been much more for carrying out forms of studying. Issues like learning languages, or courses on motivation. Not too long ago nevertheless, a considerably wider variety has become obtainable. Not only has educational materials grown, but voice recordings of published training books now exist. Often this is performed by different actors reading their assigned parts or at instances, a single reader reads the book such as he or she would to an audience. Unbelievably, Sci-Fi essentially gives a huge component of these desired books on audio within the market. So it doesn't matter in case you would like to study, listen and be entertained, or absorb info that you simply would like to hear a repeated number of times. There is absolutely a list of awesome books you'll be able to listen to audibly, that you will probably be enthusiastic about on hearing.

The Utilizations as well as the Conveniences Of Audio Books

Of the many uses for this type of books, almost certainly the most significant would be to enable the physically blind to take pleasure in any book they want. These audio books are also spectacular for those that can't study like children or adults with a learning disability. Also many elderly men and women delight in listening to them. So you see, these books on CD can offer you a huge amount of entertainment, info and understanding even for those who may possibly not be a reader.

An audio book is incredibly beneficial in the cases exactly where we're just too busy to get a chance to study. One awesome place to be able to take pleasure in listening is in the auto while driving. There are those who must wait in long lines of traffic to get to and from work and popping in a CD and listening to a book may be an awesome experience. Numerous people would rather be conscious of their surroundings than sitting with their face buried in a book, so by utilizing a MP3 player, they can keep alert and have their mind occupied too.

For those that may well be good at doing a lot more than one job at the same time including cleaning home or something of that nature, they may listen while they work to a preferred story, a daily religious or inspirational type of devotional, or they could even learn about a brand new topic whilst they go about performing their usual routine. Audio books undoubtedly can add an element of ease and convenience in our busy schedules.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

"Add Audio in Flash" Tool - It is Amazingly Simple!

It seems like "Add Audio In Flash" Tool provides an amazing opportunity for you to communicate with your Site's visitors like never before. It is a fact - plain content is just not enough. If you want to learn more about it, just follow this special report.

Short overview

The way it works is quite simple yet smart - "Add Audio In Flash" Tool uses an advanced processor that converts music/audio file(s) to Web-Format. It works fast and requires very minimal user intervention. Select the requested files, then choose your favorite player-style, and that is it. By the time it completes the job you get a small code that needs to be embedded onto your desired webpage.

The created webaudio uses 'streaming' technology - it is transmitted to your visitors continuously with no need for them to download anything onto their hard drive.

The potential is huge as it provides numerous opportunities and advantages; for example: creating 'voice' products by simply talking into a microphone for 60 minutes or so, and then selling an audio-eBook or increasing both sales and subscription rates.

Quick tip

Here is a short advice while using this technology: write a short script before recording your messages so it comes out fluent and persuasive. Save on your expenses: there are various 'over featured' solutions over the internet, start with the simple ones - most probably that you'll find it sufficient for your need.

Final words

Website(s) owners already understand that text by itself and nice graphics are just not enough to drive their visitors to action - it seems like "Add Audio In Flash" Tool can significantly help them achieve that goal. Saying just a few words can sometimes be much more effective than trying to express yourself in writing. By the end of this quick article the best advice would be to try it as in most cases it will take you no more than several minutes to evaluate it.

"Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books

Online radio shows are an effective method to reach readers.

Online radio shows provide a fun platform for authors to discuss their books and reach targeted listeners. Free or low-cost, online radio shows are more accessible to pitch than larger stations and allow listeners the ability to stream or download the interview. The author interview can later be downloaded on computers, mobile devices or used for marketing purposes.

There are a lot of online radio shows, but few shows have a professional host, format and content that will attract and retain listeners. Airing weekly or daily, below are ten online radio shows to boost publicity, gain online traffic and maybe sell some books.

AAMBC - Hosted by Tamika Newshouse, president of the African Americans on the Move Book Club, the show interviews authors, industry tips and holds a annual awards show.

Artistsfirst.com - Provides interviews and promotions for artists. Many authors go onto the show. A donation is requested.

Authorspeak - Hosted by Michelle Green, the show interviews authors and provides a occasionally has a poetry jam.

Black Author's Network - Hosted by Ella Curry, owner of EDC Creations. The show covers a wide variety of topics and a consistent presence of black authors discussing books.

3chicksonlit.com- 3 Chicks On Lit is a Hip, Fun, and Sassy Literary Hour!

Dedan Tolbert Show - Hosted by Dedan Tolbet, the show concentrates on positive relationships and provides relationship advice for listeners. Interviews a variety of individuals. Authors and books are fused into show topics. Airs daily.

From Cover to Cover - Hosted by best selling authors Pat Tucker and Reshonda Tate Billingsley. From Cover to Cover is broadcasted on FM and streamed online. The show provides industry tips, panel discussions and author interviews.

Literary Pizzazz - Hosted by Pam Osbey. The show provides in features authors, publishers, young writers and spoken word artists.

Mz Optimizm - Hosted by Shauna Blaze, Mz. Optimizm. The show covers a variety of topics including business and authors.

Writers Life Chats - Hosted by Kisha Green, Writers Life Chats is a show open to all types of writing. The show provides chats about the writer's life and offers advice for aspiring writers. Airs weekly.

Use the list to set a foundation for your online radio presence. Check and follow the submission guidelines to pitch a show. Prepare for the interview and provide a great interview. The host provides the platform, but you have to make the interview memorable.

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